Creaite Review – Creaite Software By Joshua Zamora et al


Artificial Intelligence is growing day-by-day, every industry is shifting toward A.I to reduce the men work and to save time. Like Now cars are running on roads with the help of Artifical Intelligence, Google Assistant, Alexa and many more examples are out there.

So why not we also start creating content like human written with the help A.I. Creaite is the revolutionary software which is going to change creating the valuable content completely. Now we can done the most boring and time taking task in few clicks in under 90 seconds.

Creaite will going to work on any industry, in any niche.

We’re in 2021, and this is just as true today as it was 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago – even 30 years ago!

You can’t really build a business (or survive in business) WITHOUT content. It’s one of the MAIN strategies that ALL businesses use to:

  • Provide value
  • Build up trust
  • Get more traffic
  • Get more subscribers
  • Generate more profit
  • Get more rankings
  • And much much more

In fact, QUALITY content is MORE important NOW than it has EVER been!

With everyone being able to quickly access ANY and ALL content today on demand, you really have less than a SECOND to captivate them or lose them.

Problems with the Creating Content

Most people avoid creating content because it’s a huge painful period and time taking also. If you are not creating on your own then you have to outsource the writer and pay them hundreds or thousands of bucks for your business content. And sometime after paying they were not able to create a top-notch type of content, which you really want.

Ans if you’ve been online for any amount of time, you’ve probably experienced some of this yourself…

  • Spending ENDLESS hours in front of the computer writing articles..(who really wants to do this?)
  • Paying HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of dollars to an article writer to write content for you! (who really has that kind of budget when starting out?)
  • Having a content writer DISAPPEAR on you AFTER you already paid them. (this one REALLY sucks and happens WAYYYY too often)

In this Creaite Review article, I am going to show you how you can create your high-quality content in very little time with the software name “Creaite”.

Now the Content Creation FOREVER And Made it EASIER for EVERYONE To Get More Traffic, Rankings And Make More Profit!


Creaite is the versatile Artificial Intelligence based software that is made by the top blogger and marketer, who is in this industry for over 12 years. Now he just come up with the new tool called “Creaite”.

This software will be going to solve our biggest problem, creating quality content. Creaite is an artificially intelligent web app that writes readable and high-quality content for you in any niche in under 90 seconds. And allow you to attract more traffic, make more profit and dominate your niche without wasting any time writing a single word yourself.

Creaite is not a content Scraper or content spinner, it is truly artifically intelligent content creation engine that will create 100% unique content for you every time.

Main Keypoints

  • Done-For-You Content For ALL Your Sites in over 25
  •  50 of the HOTTEST Niches
  • NEVER write the content yourself or pay for content EVER AGAIN
  • REAL Artificially Intelligent System That Only Needs 90 Seconds To Write You a 400-1,000 Article
  • First-of-its-kind, REAL A.I Content Platform to hit JVZOO
  • We Guarantee You, Will, NOT Be Able To Tell Your Content was A.I Generated
  • Truly Unique Content That Passes Copyscape EVERY Time – GUARANTEED!


  • Perfectly written content for you in under 90 seconds
  • Get More Traffic, More Sales, And More Profit By Leveraging The MOST Powerful Strategy Ever: Content Marketing!
  • Get More Rankings By Giving Google exactly What It Wants: Constant, Quality Content!
  • Don’t worry about the quality of content because you are not outsourcing, creating your own.
  • NEVER have to spend hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars to have content written for you
  • Provide MORE Value To Your Target Audience and Convert MORE Visitors into Subscribers! And much much more!

There are around 50+ hot & profitable niches are inside, for which you can create your article. for example

  • Beauty
  • Fitness
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Ecommerce
  • Email Marketing
  • Seo
  • Video Marketing
  • Web Design
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Selling
  • Laws

although there are so many niches are inside creaite. We can’t cover all in this creaite review otherwise it will be very long. To know more niche inside creaite click here.


However, if you are still confused about how you can make a profit with “Creaite”. I am going to show you 5 quick ways by which you can easily generate money as your income with a very less amount of effort.

  • Affiliate Marketing: Rank your content on google and make the easy affiliate commission. Google always needs quality content that you can create with Creaite. Do On-page optimization and your engaging, fresh and quality content is ready to publish.
  • Sell your own product: for those who have their own product and services this strategy is for you. You also know the power of content marketing. With Creaite, you’ll be able to get perfectly written content that you can post to your blog and use it to get more traffic, leads and sales!
  • Sell your service as a content writer: Content writing services is a HUGE and EXTREMELY profitable industry. Premium writers get paid a VERY healthy amount to provide quality content.
  • Content Marketing: Social media traffic is based 100% on content marketing. People spend more time on social media, so why not use these platforms as a business. Create unique content with Creaite and make more engagement and drive tons of traffic and make more sales.
  • Creaite Articles into Video: Content repurposing is one of the big tactics that is used by many peoples. Repurpose your content into another form. Like transform your Creaite Article into a video and publish on different networks.


Yes, Creaite is offering different upgrades inside. But you have to first buy the frontend to upgrade to any other OTO. You don’t need to buy all upgrades to use Creaite. You can choose your upgrade according to your requirement.
Note: You have to first buy the frontend to upgrade to any other OTO.

Frontend: Creaite Agency

The FE is going to be main Creaite software. With our most popular level, they’ll get 50 credits to start immediately having content written for them. It’ll cost 1 credit to per article generated, which means they’ll be able to get 50 articles written for LESS than $1 a piece.

OTO 1: Creaite Agency+ ($1 Trial then $47/m)

Upgrade 1 is going to be our Creaite subscription. Creaite is a credit-based system, so here you will be able to lock in your monthly credits at the launch price discount. PLUS, you’ll also be able to unlock ALL the niches we have available right NOW (which is over 70), plus ALL the niches we’ll be adding in the future, which will be in the HUNDREDS!

OTO 2: Creaite Booster ($97)

Upgrade 2 is going to be our Creaite Booster pack. Here you’ll be able to unlock THREE VERY powerful features.

  1. Unlocking our HyperWriter feature. This feature will allow you to choose for Creaite to write up to FIVE (yes, 5) articles for you at a time! This will allow you to get more content created FASTER and each one will be unique!
  2. You’ll unlock our Multi-Lingual Content writer. Here you’ll be able to get content created for you in up to 12 of the MOST popular languages in the world.
  3. Unlock our Q&A Writer which REALLY gives your content a powerful angle for creating content around your niches BIGGEST pain points, questions, and concerns.

OTO 3: Creaite Connect Plugin ($47)

OTO 3 will be access to our Creaite WP Plugin. This will allow users to go from content creation, to content publishing DIRECTLY to their site in a matter of SECONDS! They’ll be able to do it ALL from inside Creaite. PLUS, they’ll be getting our UNLIMITED site License AND our AGENCY license for our plugin as well so they can use it for ALL their sites and ALL their clients.

OTO 4: Creaite WhiteLabel ($297)

Selling and providing content creation services to A LOT of their clients. Part of that is being able to quickly DELIVER their work once Creaite has written the content. However, many users will NOT want their clients to know they’re using Creaite. So, with this upgrade, your customers will be able to add THEIR branding to OUR site as well as THEIR branding to our WP Plugin.


highly recommend you to use this tool for your business if you are an affiliate marketer, freelancer, Blogger, Agency Owner, Content Writer, or anyone who is using Content on their websites, emails, post in social handles or use this content in your video descriptions.

The best part of Creaite is that it comes with the money-back gaurantee, so your purchase is secure. If you don’t like the Creaite. You can make a request and get your money back.

Creaite will generate high quality content for you which will skyrocket your online business and make massive success for you.

REMEMBER! If you buy this product through my link, you can also get these huge bonuses (Please remember that these bonuses are not for the TRIAL or FREE versions):

You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 2 steps below:

  ♦ Step 1: Order the product by Clicking here.

 ♦ Step 2: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt to me at so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.

»»Theme Bonus Package««

»»Plugin Bonus Package««

»»General Bonus Package««

Check more full oto link:
hey this is chris with
and in this video we’re going to be
looking at a new tool
called create with an a i
then a te and the ai stands for
artificial intelligence so what sets
this apart from a lot of the other
online article creators is that this is
not a spinner
but it actually creates articles for you
based on specific topics and niches
using artificial intelligence and i want
to show you how all this works
there’s also a few upsells you want to
be aware of some of them
i highly recommend you get in on them
early it’s going to save you a ton of
money if you do
i’ll put all the upsells as well as the
prices of them on my website you’ll find
that link below this video
and you’ll also find some bonuses down
there so if you happen to pick up create
through my website you’ll also get those
okay so what create is
is it’s an article writer and so it has
a lot of categories or topics
and this is going to be expanded over
time in fact i was told
that over the next year they’re planning
on having close to 500 different niches
and topics
that this will be able to create
articles for and what i want to do is
take you through here and show you the
articles and what they create
because the sales page tells you that
these are just like a human written
and i will agree that they are much
better than spun articles
but there are places in them where you
may need to touch up a little bit of
and i’ll show you what i mean when we
get there so over here on the left hand
side you want to see your main dashboard
so if we go here
this is going to take you to the page
basically where it tells you how many
articles you created how many articles
you posted if you picked up the
wordpress plugin
and what this is is a plugin you can
install on your wordpress site
so you don’t have to worry about adding
your own content in there every day or
writing your own content you can do it
all through this
and it’ll do it for you and right now
there is a total of 65
niches that’s been added in the last
month and i think they’re trying to add
extra 5 or 10
every month now this is a credits based
system you can see up here currently 178
one article equals one credit and
if you go out there and try to buy an
article from someone
unless it’s an article that’s already
been circulated all over the internet a
hundred times it’s going to cost you
more than a dollar to have
it written even if you just have some
cheap company to write you a very cheap
it’s going to cost you most likely three
four or five dollars and so this is
going to save you a
ton of money in creating content
so the the system works by credits
and when you first buy create it’ll show
you on the sales page how many credits
you get with your purchase
and then one of the upsells will offer
you that
same price in reoccurring monthly
if you buy it right then and there if
you don’t it’s going to be
extra to buy the credit so just keep
that in mind right now
you can buy a hundred credits for 127
50 credits for 97 which would be two
dollars a piece
or 25 credits for 67. that’s about
you know a lot less than what you’re
still going to pay someone to write it
but if you get on this early and if you
keep your price locked in
uh and get it during the upsell price
you’re going to save a lot of money
okay so i’m not going to go through all
of these because
down here is where you can pick up some
extra bonuses that the create
joshua zamora the product creator is
going to add some bonuses in here this
is where you can get them
there’s going to be some tutorial videos
there’s really not a whole lot you have
to learn in this it’s really super easy
if you picked up the white label upsell
this is where you’re going to have the
options to white label the wordpress
plugin installed on your client sites
and allow it to automatically create
these articles and post on their sites
is really good idea if you have clients
it does also have an api
other than that you have the wordpress
plugin which you can install on the
wordpress sites if you pick that up
uh other than that it’s just the
articles so we’re going to go in here
and you can see that we have some
folders you can add additional folders
that way you can organize everything
and on the right hand side we have all
the articles listed and if you just want
to see certain articles
in certain categories you would come
over here and just click on them
now i’ve already done a few articles
based around the topic of affiliate
marketing and i want to show you how
works and the different types of
articles you can create because there’s
actually more than one type of article
you can create
so if you want to go create an article
you’re going to come up here and click
on the plus
now when you do that it’s going to ask
you what type of article so if you click
this there’s going to be three different
options a standard article
a q a or a freestyle the freestyle
is the fastest way to do it uh basically
you just click this
you choose your niche which we would do
something like
uh online marketing and then here
affiliate marketing
language english you can see here
there’s a lot of different languages you
can create the articles in
which i believe may be an optional
upsell be sure to check those upsells on
my website to make for sure so you know
if you get this or not
the multi-language how many articles you
want to
create and then what folder you want to
save it to
you can see one credit and you click
start it’s going to generate that
article for you
now if we move on to the next one the
standard this one works a little bit
different so you’re still going to
select your article niche by uh choosing
your niche and your sub niche
your language how many articles the
folder but down here at the bottom
you’re going to see where it says
enter a starting point for this article
try to enter at least one sentence which
gives create a good idea of what it
should write about
so what you’re going to do is you’re
going to go to google and you’re going
to search for a topic so this one to be
on affiliate marketing so i would go to
i would type in something like affiliate
marketing or what is affiliate marketing
i would find a website that has a
detailed description about it copy one
sentence from there and paste it
right here so it knows uh what i want
this article to be about
and you’re going to click start and it’s
going to create an article based around
and i’m going to show you what these
articles look like here in just a minute
now the other article type we can do is
a q a and this is pretty neat it takes a
little bit more work on your side but
not much
you’re going to choose your niche your
sub niche the language
how many articles the folder you want to
save it to and then you’re going to add
your own questions
so what you do here is you just add a
question and then you can add another
question and add another question how
many ever you want and that’s what it
creates the article
around and each one of these you can see
cost one credit
so let’s go ahead and look at some of
these articles and you can see
what they look like so this one here
this was the first article that i
created called affiliate marketing tips
for newbies
and so if i click on it okay
so this here the highlighted part this
is the text that i copied off of a
website on google
and basically it’s highlighting this to
let me know
this is the text that i copied and i may
want to change it so i may want to
change up this sentence so it’s not the
same as the other website that i copied
it from
but then the rest of the content it
simply based upon this one sentence and
so you can read it through here it
sounds pretty good
it definitely sounds better than a spun
content uh if you want to edit it
because i have found in some of these
articles there may be a word in there
that really doesn’t make a whole lot of
uh or if i just want to make it a little
uh sound just a little bit better you
can come up here to these three dots and
you can click on edit
and it lets you edit the contents you
can change the title
you can change any of the text in here
you just save the changes
and then you can copy this if you want
and use it for anything you can use it
to create videos with if you use vidnami
you can take this whole section here and
and create videos
really fast and a lot of them on this
unique content
and then you can also use them for your
blogs your websites for descriptions and
youtube videos to help them to rank
it just goes on and on and on there’s so
many uses for a product like this
that can create an endless amount of
content for you
and then you also have the option if you
have a wordpress plugin installed
you can just simply post directly to
your site from here
okay so the next one was the was the q
and a
and if we open it up you can see here
where i typed in a few questions what is
affiliate marketing how does it work
who’s it for and does
it work now this one here is okay the
answers are okay
i think this one here how does affiliate
marketing work it says essentially it is
a system where you send visitors
directly to merchant sites in exchange
for something okay
so this one actually does sound better
than what i thought it was going to
uh who’s affiliate marketing for if you
are an affiliate marketing newbie
then this article is for you so that
doesn’t quite make sense because that’s
not what the question was
but uh i can i can quickly come up here
edit that and just
change that to however i want to and
does affiliate marketing work
the answer is an open-ended yes does it
work all the time that is another
question altogether
and so this is a really good answer so
it does a really decent job
of creating answers for questions and if
not like i said just edit yourself and
change it out
it takes you just a couple minutes to do
it instead of writing out an entire
article yourself
copy it paste it to whatever you’re
using it for and you’re done and there
are a lot of different categories right
now there’s 65
and i believe depending on which upsell
you get
uh you will get all future niches and
topics that are being added to so if i
come in here under article niche
and click on it you can see they have
business health home improvement
insurance investing news marketing
and each each one of these has sub
categories so if we was to do something
say pets then you would just click the
sub niche and then right now they just
have cats and dogs and so it’s like that
with all these we can do
let’s say health and there’s quite a few
of them in here for health right now but
like i said they’re going to be adding a
lot more niches and sub niches
in here basically that’s how create
works in my opinion
it’s a it’s a great product for creating
content if you want a way to get content
on your site
i highly recommend this um you know i
use spin rewriter a lot to generate
content for me where i will paste an
article in and just have a spun and
but they do not sound near as good as
what these articles do that create
will create for you and they will pass
it actually surprised me that all the
ones that i’ve checked
they did pass it and so uh it just makes
it even that much better for
purposes of using for ranking or just
unique content for your site
so this is create i hope you guys
enjoyed this review if you did please
subscribe to my channel like this video
if you got questions or comments
leave them below and don’t forget i’ll
put that link below this video
so if you guys are interested in this
product you can check out more details
about it there including the upsells the
and the bonuses that i’m going to be
offering will also be
on that page so that’s it for this video
guys enjoy your day

Tired of Wasting So Much Time And Money On Content?

Revealed: NEW, Artificially Intelligent Web-App Writes Perfectly Readable Content For YOU In ANY Major Niche In Under 90 seconds

…Which Allows You To Get More Traffic Make More PROFIT and Dominate
Your Niche WITHOUT Wasting ANY Time Writing A SINGLE Word Yourself!

Done-For-You Content For ALL Your Sites in over 25 50 of the HOTTEST Niches
NEVER write content yourself or pay for content EVER AGAIN
REAL Artificially Intelligent System That Only Needs 90 Seconds To Write You a 400-1,000 Article
First-of-its-kind, REAL A.I Content Platform to hit JVZOO
We Guarantee You Will NOT Be Able To Tell Your Content was A.I Generated
Truly Unique Content That Passes CopyScape EVERY Time – GUARANTEED!
Is it Really Possible Or Are We Hyping Things Up?

Is It REALLY Possible For An Artificially Intelligent Machine To Produce QUALITY, Engaging Content For Your Sites In Under 90 Seconds?

Is it REALLY possible for you to NOT be able to tell whether this content was created by a machine or by a human?
Is it REALLY possible for you to NEVER have to write content yourself EVER again?
Is it REALLY possible for you to never have to spend money on hiring a content writer EVER again?
And finally, is it REALLY possible for you to get access to this NEW, and ground-breaking A.I. Platform for PENNIES on the dollar during this charter member’s grand-opening?

Well, That’s EXACTLY What
We’re Here To Reveal To You TODAY!

On this page, we’re going to show you how you can have our A.I. web-app write ALL of your content FOR YOU in 50 of the HOTTEST and MOST profitable niches online!

And You’ll Be able To See How It’ll Write Quality Articles For You In Under 90 seconds, EACH!

I’m talking about 100% UNIQUE content that will Give you the Power To Dominate Your Niche, Get More Traffic, Make More PROFIT AND spend more time enjoying your hard-earned money.

Because Let’s Face It..

Content is Still KING!

We’re in 2021, and this is just as true today as it was 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago – even 30 years ago!

You can’t really build a business (or survive in business) WITHOUT content. It’s one of the MAIN strategies that ALL businesses use to:

Provide value
Build up trust
Get more traffic
Get more subscribers
Generate more profit
Get more rankings
And much much more

In fact, QUALITY content is MORE important NOW than it has EVER been!

With everyone being able to quickly access ANY and ALL content today on demand, you really have less than a SECOND to captivate them or lose them.

However, Actually Creating Content
Is A HUGE Pain In The ASS, Right?!!

Let’s be honest here… Most of us AVOID creating content, because it’s a HUGE pain in the ass. (even though we know we SHOULD be doing it). Trust me, I know from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE!

When I first started online, I had to write ALL my content myself.

I’d spend hours upon, upon HOURS writing and revising my content for each one of my sites – and I had TWELVE different sites!

And I would also write weekly articles targeting different keywords and audiences to keep my sites growing with fresh new content, so I can keep getting more and more traffic.

This would eat up SOOOO much of my time that could’ve been spent on more productive and profitable tasks.

Thankfully After MONTHS of Having To Write ALL my Content, My Sites Started to bring in consistent profit…

Hence, why content is SOO important! The more content and value you can provide to any specific niche, the more money you can make.

So logically, the FIRST Thing I did when my sites started making money, was to invest ALL my profit into OUTSOURCING my content generation!

However, it did NOT take long to realize that…

Outsourcing Content Comes
With It’s OWN Set of NIGHTMARES!

Let me quickly share a BIG secret with you that MOST people WILL NOT tell you about hiring a content writer:

ALL the REALLY good content writers are REALLY expensive – These are the ELITE writers which will require ZERO to VERY little editing per article they write for you. Be prepared to pay $25-$50 for just ONE 400-500 word article.
ALL the CHEAP content writers will send you content that will require SOOOO much editing on your part, that it would have been better for you to have just written the article YOURSELF!
And finally ALL the IN-BETWEEN content writers (which means decent articles at decent prices) are SOOO busy that you’re going to have to wait AT LEAST 10-14 days to get just ONE article written for you.

And if you’ve been online for any amount of time, you’ve probably experienced some of this yourself…

You Know, Things Like:

Spending ENDLESS hours in front of the computer writing articles..(who really wants to do this?)
Paying HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of dollars to an article writer to write content for you! (who really has that kind of budget when starting out?)
Having a content writer DISAPPEAR on you AFTER you already paid them. (this one REALLY sucks and happens WAYYYY too often)
However, TODAY, I Have Some GREAT News For You.

We Have Changed Content Creation FOREVER And Made it EASIER for EVERYONE To Get More Traffic, Rankings And Make More Profit!

What you’re about to see is going to be unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever seen before.

We are now in 2021 where Artificial Intelligence is BOOMING and growing at LIGHTNING SPEED! Artificial Intelligence is one of the FASTEST growing industries right now and for GOOD reason.

We ALL Want For Things To Be Easier,
Faster And More Profitable, Right?

We want to get results NOW! And if you’re anything like me, we ALSO like when things are DONE FOR US!

So we decided to blend the power of Artificial Intelligence with the power of profitable content creation!

And after MANY months of hard work, we’ve been able to accomplish our goal. We have created the BEST Content Creation platform to ever hit the JVZOO Marketplace!

You Will NOW Be Able To Have Unique, Perfectly-Readable (Human-Like) Content Created FOR YOU At The Push Of Button!

And NO, this is NOT a Content Scraper! This is NOT a Content SPINNER!

This is a COMPLETE Artificially-Intelligent Content creation engine that will write 100% unique content for you EVERY single time!

It’s like having your own personal content writer ready to write for you, for ALL the hottest topics at ANY time, for PENNIES of what it’ll cost to use a HUMAN writer.

And FASTER than ANY human can ever write – GUARANTEED!

You’ll be able to have an ENTIRE, perfectly readable article written for you in under 90 seconds!

And to make things even BETTER, you will NOT be able to tell the difference between human written content and content written by our A.I. writer.

I know it still sounds unbelievable but it’s true.

Allow Me To Introduce You To


And NOW it’s time to Deliver on My Promise:

Let Me Show You Just How Easy It Is To
Have Creaite Write Your Content FOR YOU!

I Guarantee You That You Will NOT Be Able To Tell The Difference
Between Human-Written Content and Creaite Written Content!

In Fact, Let Me Prove It To You.
Read Some of our Creaite Content Below:

Back Pain
Email Marketing
Human Rights
Affiliate Marketing
Teeth Whitening
Bad Habit
Different types of arthritis exist, each with different causes including wear and tear, infections, and underlying diseases. However, they all involve inflammation in one way or another. Inflammation means that there is an increase in the surface of the cells called inflammation. This can occur naturally or be brought on by factors outside of the body. For example infections or illness. The result of this is that the joints in people affected by arthritis become inflamed. The main result of inflammation is pain. It can be mild or severe and it can be constant or intermittent. The source of pain lies in the swelling around the joint and this is why it is so hard for someone suffering from arthritis to use a joint. It is very tender to touch.

Arthritis is an umbrella term for more than 100 different disorders and diseases. It refers to one particular disease of the joints in the body. The joints are the moving parts of the body containing smooth cartilage at their ends. Within the cartilage is a lubricating fluid that functions quite differently from blood in that it has its own circulatory system and a nerve system and an endocrine system. This allows it to function quite differently from other parts of the body. For example your skin can be very rough to the touch but once we use it the way we want to, it becomes much smoother. The joints are subject to the same laws of nature, with the exceptions that they are much more complex and the tissues are more complex. This means that the articular cartilage can slowly wear away. Arthritis is a common medical condition which refers to inflammation in the joints. Arthritis also refers to the disease affecting the joints.

* The inflammation of articular cartilage can occur as the result of an infection in the joint, trauma to the joint, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Other causes include systemic diseases such as multiple system diseases like hepatitis.

* Articular cartilage is subject to degenerative processes. This means that there is a decrease in its ability to keep pace with the rest of the body’s cartilage. It can actually wear away in certain areas, resulting in joint pain.

* The first step in the process is inflammation caused by an infection of the joint. This is called infectious arthritis and it is the most common form of arthritis affecting older people.

* The second step is the swelling of the articular cartilage from inflammation. This swelling is called pannus. Pannus is a very painful swelling and can limit joint movement.

* It is believed that some people develop the cartilage diseases at an earlier age than others. There are a number of theories as to why this may be but some researchers believe that genetics may play a role.

YES, 100% of The Content Above Was Written
By Our Creaite System! I Know, It’s a Bit SCARY, Right?

With Creaite You’ll Be
Equipped With The Ability To:

Have Perfectly-Written Content Created FOR YOU At ANY Time AND it’ll be written in under 90 seconds.

Get More Traffic, More Sales And More Profit By Leveraging The MOST Powerful Strategy Ever: Content Marketing!

Get More Rankings By Giving Google EXACTLY What It Wants: Constant, Quality Content!

NEVER have to spend hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars to have content written for you

NEVER worry about the QUALITY of the content you’ll be getting from a writer whose native language is not English.

Provide MORE Value To Your Target Audience and Convert MORE Visitors into Subscribers! And much much more!

PLUS We’ve Simplified The ENTIRE Process of Getting HIGH-QUALITY Content Written FOR YOU Into 3 Simple Steps:

Step 1

Login To Our Web-Based Dashboard

Creaite is a 100% web-based tool.

That means that it does NOT matter what kind of computer you have.

As long as you have an internet connection, you can have Creaite writing your content for you.


Step 2

Tell Creaite What Niche You Want Your Content In

This is the EXCITING Step. Here is where you see the MAGIC happen! All you have to do here is:

Select your main niche
Select your sub-niche
Choose what folder you’d like your articles to go into (optional)
Provide Creaite with just ONE seed-sentence so it knows EXACTLY what you want content written about.
This ONE sentence can come from ANYWHERE. It can come from an existing article posted on ANY site, it can come from a sentence you write quickly yourself, it can come from a PLR article. It doesn’t really matter.

Once you have that one sentence, Creaite will turn it into a COMPLETE, perfectly readable article in under 90 seconds.

PLUS, Creaite Will Also Create A TOTALLY

Even if you use the SAME Seed Sentence!

How Cool is that, right? Yup! You can use the same seed sentence over and over and get a unique article each time!

Step 3

Copy, Edit, Download, or Share Your Content

At this point we’ve provided you with several different options. Once your article has been created, you’ll be able to:

Immediately copy your article so you can publish it to your site right away
Edit the article in ANY way you’d like. Although we can confidently say that 90% of our articles will require LITTLE to no editing at all (we still have to factor in the odd articles that will need some editing or customizing to match your site/client)
Organize your articles into different niche folders so you can keep everything organized based on niches, sites or clients
Download your content so you can edit it locally
Instantly SHARE your articles with our built-in sharing features so you can deliver your work to your clients within SECONDS! *(part of upgrade 3)

Talk About Awesome, Right?

We’ve Created The FIRST and BEST Artificially Intelligent Content Creation System To EVER Hit JVZOO!

This is REAL Artificial Intelligence Combined With The Power Of Content Creation!

PLUS, Check Out ALL The Profitable Niches
You’ll Be Able To Have Content Created For:



Back Pain


Build Muscle


Dental Care

Affiliate Marketing


Email Marketing


Video Marketing

Web Design



Customer Services







Criminal Law

Family Law

Personal Injury

Plus, we have a MASSIVE Bonus That We
Were NOT Planning To Offer Publicly TODAY!

By Joining TODAY, You’ll Also Be Unlocking
Our Double-The-Niches Bonus Pack!

This bonus is going to allow you to unlock an additional 25 of the HOTTEST and most profitable niches online!

This will allow you to practically DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your profit, by allowing you to create more content in MORE niches at ANY time!

And I’m talking about niches where people actually BUY products and services. Niches that will put MONEY in YOUR POCKET!

These are Niches that as long as you provide them with GREAT content (which Creaite will write for you) they’ll continue buying from you over and over and over again!

However, it was a REALLY tough decision to include these additional 25 niches into your purchase today. And for good reason.

EVERY new niche that we add to our A.I. writer has to undergo an ENTIRE training session to be able to PROPERLY write content for you, on demand.

This takes HOURS upon HOURS of coding ON TOP of over 24-48 hours of computer training to complete. To put it into perspective, it took about 31 days to get our A.I writer trained to properly write content in 25 additional niches!

Yup, that’s 31 days of NON-STOP computer training (744 hours!!!)

In short, it is NOT an easy (or CHEAP) process to train our A.I engine to write content for you in a new niche.

I’m sure you can now see why we can EASILY charge a monthly fee for this ENTIRE platform you’re getting today. (just like our competitors do)

Plus, we may consider removing this Double-Niches bonus from this page in the VERY near future and ONLY include it as a MONTHLY option

So if I were you, I’d secure your copy of our Creaite Charter members TODAY!

These Additional 25 Bonus Niches Include:


Hair Loss

Mental Health

Quit Smoking

Weight Loss

Womens Issues




Online Dating


Adventure Travel

Airline Travel



Heating and Air Conditioning

Interior Design



Pest Control



Day Trading



Talk about awesome, right?

But Why Should I Even Care About Creaite? How The Heck Will it Make Me Money?

That’s probably what some of you are wondering if you haven’t already realized the true power of what you’re witnessing here today.

As I mentioned previously, content marketing is one of the BIGGEST strategies businesses use to grow their traffic, profit and brands online.

However, If You’re Still Unclear About How To Profit With Creaite,

Here Are 7 Quick Ways To Do So:

Rank Your Content For Easy Affiliate Commissions

This is probably going to be one of the most popular monetization strategies especially since SEO marketers understand the power of quality content. When it comes to niche site marketing, having FRESH, relevant and ENGAGING content is the KEY to ranking your sites on page 1.

With Creaite You’ll NEVER run out of content to post to your niche sites for any and ALL keywords you’re targeting. Plus, since Creaite will be writing all the content for you, all you have to do is add your monetization to the articles!


Rank Your Content and Sell Your Own Products or Services

For those of you who prefer to sell your own products and services, this is the strategy for you. And I’m sure you know how powerful content marketing is to get more sales and more traffic.

With Creaite, you’ll be able to get perfectly written content that you can post to your blog and use it to get more traffic, leads and sales!

AND you won’t have to write a SINGLE word yourself!

Rank Content For Your Clients To Get Them More Business

This works hand-in-hand with the two above. One of the most underutilized strategies when it comes to working with local businesses is to post fresh content to their sites on a WEEKLY basis.

We used to add this to our packages for EVERY client we worked with. We made sure that every week we posted new content, targeting new keywords, that we’d use to rank on the first page of Google.


Sell Content Writing As A Service For QUICK Cash

This one is also going to be one of our most monetized strategies. Content writing services is a HUGE and EXTREMELY profitable industry. Premium writers get paid a VERY healthy amount to provide quality content.

And clients are willing to PAY a good amount for a RELIABLE and GREAT content writer since there are A LOT of bad ones out there. You can literally start a content writer service TODAY and start making sales by TONIGHT, while having Creaite do ALL the work for you.

Heck, you can even put up a listing on Fiverr, Upwork (or ANY similar site) and make BANK without having to do ANYTHING but send the content once Creaite is done writing it for you (just be sure to not send it in too fast lol)

Leverage Engaging Content To Generate More Sales For Your eCommerce Store

This goes back to the power of content marketing. Content marketing is one of the BEST ways for eCommerce stores (or any online business) to get MORE free traffic and sales online.

While most ecommerce stores rely heavily on paid traffic, there is a TON of free traffic to be had by providing your audience with quality engaging content that ties them back into your products! You can also offer this as a service to ecommerce stores as well.


Get More Sales and more traffic FOR FREE From Social Media

Social media traffic is based 100% on content marketing. People go onto social media sites to READ and ENGAGE with content. Now that you have Creaite, you’ll be able to leverage engaging content to siphon off TONS of free traffic from ALL the hottest social media sites.

Turn Your Creaite Articles Into Videos And Get Even MORE Traffic And Sales

Content REPURPOSING is ANOTHER tactic that is NOT talked about too much these days. However repurposing your content into OTHER forms of media is one of the MOST powerful traffic strategies you can leverage.

The articles that Creaite will be writing for you are going to be SOOO good, that it’ll be SILLY to NOT turn them into videos and put them ALL over YouTube, Vimeo Facebook Video and ALL of the OTHER hot video sites. Heck, you can even break it down to smaller videos and post them onto TikTok, Instagram and MORE!

And These Are Just A HANDFUL of Strategies That You Can Leverage To
Start Profiting With The Content Creaite Will Be Writing FOR YOU!

We’ve Literally Created The EASIEST Way To Have Content Created FOR YOU in A Matter of Seconds To Bring In More Traffic, Leads and PROFIT!

So, At This Point You Might Be Wondering:

How Much Is It To Get Access
To This Futuristic Piece of Equipment?

And trust us, we struggled with this as well. Why? Well, because, at first, we couldn’t really believe what we had created. Every time Creaite spits out an article it continues to “WOW” us.

The quality of the articles is TRULY that good.

This is probably how you’re feeling right now as well. Like “wow, did a machine REALLY write the articles that were posted on this page?”

“Is It REALLY Possible To Have A Machine
Write PERFECTLY Readable Content For Me?”

And I think that we’ve (hopefully) answered that question and have proven to you that – YES, it IS possible – and we HAVE done it!

With that in mind, we were TRULY considering taking this DIRECTLY to the MASS, public market and charging a HEFTY, MONTHLY, recurring-fee for it.

We know how BIG the content creation niche is – how much it’s LACKING for a REAL, reliable product – And how VALUABLE a tool like Creaite is to the marketplace.

So When We Tell You That This A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME Opportunity To Secure Access To Creaite For This INSANELY Discounted, One-Time Price…

We TRULY Mean it!

You may NEVER see it offered at this price, with this MUCH value and with the AMAZING bonuses we’ve mentioned on this page EVER again!

When you Create Your Account TODAY,
You’ll Also Be Securing These Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus 1

Free Access To Write Content in 25 Additional Niches

We already talked about this previously, but it’s worth mentioning AGAIN, because it TRULY is that valuable.

This bonus is going to allow you to unlock an additional 25 of the HOTTEST and most profitable niches online!

This will allow you to practically DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your profit, by allowing you to create more content in MORE niches at ANY time!

And I’m talking about niches where people actually BUY products and services. Niches that will put MONEY in YOUR POCKET!

Niches where if you provide them with GREAT content (which Creaite will write for you) they’ll continue buying from you over and over and over again!


Bonus 2

FREE Access To Our Agency License!

This bonus here EASILY packs the MOST potential PROFIT in your pocket! There are HUMAN writers out there charging CRAZY amounts of money to write content for other people.

Heck, even on Fiverr you’ll find people charging $5-$10 ALL day long for just ONE article!

Can you imagine how much you can make by charging people to write content for them and have Creaite do ALL the work for you?

With this bonus, you’l have FULL rights to be able to use Creaite to write and sell content to your clients!

Bonus 3

Access To Our Creaite Containers Feature

We didn’t want to only make our A.I Content creator as easy to use as possible, we wanted to make it as easy for you to be able to PROFIT with it as well.

We know that one of the FASTEST ways our users will make money with our platform is by providing CONTENT as a SERVICE to your clients, which is why we are including our agency rights as a bonus as well. Your clients will NEVER know this content was machine generated, we guarantee it.

But we wanted to make it even EASIER. That’s where our Containers feature comes in. This feature will allow you to EASILY organize ALL the content that Creaite writes for you into separate “containers.”

So this means you can create different containers for different sites you own, or different clients you’re working with, etc etc.


Bonus 4

Access To Our Containers Sub-Access Feature

This goes HAND in HAND with the bonus we mentioned above. We REALLY wanted to step things up a notch and continue making it EASIER for you to profit with our platform.

So not only are you getting access to our Containers feature..

You’ll also be able to take it a step further and give SUB-ACCESS to your containers, so you can either DELIVER the work to your clients, or send the content to your VA to get them posted on your sites!

It truly makes it EASY to get the content where it needs to go!

Talk about some INSANELY Awesome Bonuses, right?
Yup, We have REALLY Stepped The Value Up On This One!

And You Can Get Access To EVERYTHING We Just Mentioned Above At The CRAZY, Discounted, ONE-TIME Price You See Below

(Yup, ZERO Monthly Fees)

All you have to do now is:

Choose The Package
That’s Right For You


And Of Course, We Also Have A 30-Day, Double-Your-Money Back Guarantee!

Yup, we’re so confident in how powerful and how much value Creaite can provide to your business that we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is.

That’s why we’re doing a DOUBLE your money back guarantee. Just show us that you put Creaite into action in your business and if the quality of the content doesn’t absolutely BLOW YOU AWAY, we will – WITHOUT HESITATION – Give you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK!

At This Point There’s Not Much Else To Say

You either want to have high-quality, unique content written FOR YOU or you DON’T!
You either want to be the FIRST to get access to this powerful technology, or you DON’T!
You either want more traffic, more subscribers, and more profit by leveraging the POWER of quality content marketing, or YOU DON’T!
You either want to pick up Creaite at the BEST possible price and value that you will EVER see it at, or YOU DON’T!

However if you DO want to pick up the BEST, Artificially-Intelligent Content Creation Platform To EVER Hit JVZOO at the BEST price you’ll ever see it at, I highly recommend picking up your copy NOW

Hit The Discount Button Below


Frequently Asked Questions

How do the Credits Work?

It’s pretty simple. For our standard articles, it’s 1 credit for 1 article. For our Premium feature articles, it’s 3 credits per article. That means you’ll be able to get articles for less than $1 per article during this special!!!

Can’t I just use spun PLR Content?

If you want to put your business at risk, then yes of course. PLR content is cheap, but it will ALSO be used by hundreds if not THOUSANDS of other marketers as well. Why would you put yourself in that position when you can easily use Creaite to create UNIQUE, perfectly written articles?

Is this the same as a Content Scraper?

Absolutely NOT. The content you’ll be getting is NOT being “sourced” from 3rd party sites, or being scraped from ANYWHERE. It’s not being sourced from a GIANT database of PLR content. NONE of that nonsense. This is REAL artificial intelligence where you’re getting REAL, unique content written for you ON DEMAND!

Will Your Content REALLY Pass Copyscape?

Yes. we are 100% confident that the content that Creaite writes for you will pass Copyscape EVERY SINGLE TIME! Again, this is REALLY artificial intelligence at it’s finest. It is UNIQUE content that our A.I system is creating. If Creaite writes an article for you that DOES NOT pass copyscape, we’ll happily give you FULL refund!

What are the Upgrades?

Upgrade 1 is going to be our Creaite subscription. Creaite is a credit-based system, so here you will be able to lock in your monthly credits at the launch price discount. Plus, you just have to put down $1 and then $47/m after 30 days have passed.

Upgrade 2 is going to be our Creaite Booster pack. Here you’ll be able to unlock THREE VERY powerful features. The first one is unlocking our HyperWriter feature. This feature will allow you to choose for Creaite to write up to SIX (yes, 6) articles for you at a time! This will allow you to get more content created FASTER and each one will be unique! Secondly, you’ll unlock our Multi-Lingual Content writer. Here you’ll be able to get content created for you in up to 12 of the MOST popular languages in the world. These include Spanish, Polish, German, French, Portuguese, Portugese (Brazilian), Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese and Chinese (simplified). And Last, but not least, you’ll be able to unlock ALL the niches we have available right NOW, plus ALL the niches we’ll be adding in the future, which will be in the HUNDREDS! This will be $97 one time.

Upgrade 3 is going to be to access our Creaite WP Plugin. Our Creaite WP plugin will allow you to AUTOMATICALLY post the content that Creaite will be writing for you DIRECTLY to your sites. Our plugin will connect directly to your site via our Creaite API to make this process possible. We’ll also be including two AMAZING bonuses which are our Unlimited Site License and our Agency Rights license. This means you’ll be able to use our plugin on ALL your sites and ALL of your clients sites. This kind of offer is UNHEARD of! You’d easily have to pay A LOT more to get unlimited-sites and agency rights as well! This will be for $67 one time.

Upgrade 4 is a very special offer to Whitelabel our platform. We understand that our users are going to be selling and providing content creation services to A LOT of their clients. Part of that is being able to quickly DELIVER your work once Creaite has written the content. However, many users will NOT want their clients to know they’re using Creaite. So, with this upgrade, you will be able to add YOUR branding to OUR site as well as YOUR branding to our WP Plugin.

This means that you’ll be able to use our client-delivery features and have YOUR logo show up on our site. PLUS, you’ll be able to install our WP plugin on your clients sites and ALSO add YOUR company name, YOUR domain and YOUR own custom description to our Connect WP Plugin, so that even when installing the plugin on your clients sites, they will NOT be able to know that Creaite is behind the magic.

ANNND we’ll ALSO STILL be able to ensure that EVERY time we update our plugin, the updates get automatically “pushed” to ALL The sites you have it installed on – EVEN with YOUR branding on it.

Yup, automatic whitelabel updates and support of our plugin included! This will be $297 one-time.


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